| | | | | | Über unseren MC-Transformator für Denon 103:
Day on the Origin Live Silver tone arm: Listening Impressions Round 3 -
Using the Auditorium 23 Step Up Transformer at Terry's Place
drove over to Terry Cain's famed Cain & Cain world headquarters in
Walla Walla/Washington with the full-boat Garrard 301 restoration
project with his plinth, the VTAF and Silver arm and Denon 103
cartridge tucked carefully into my Miata. I also brought along a little
surprise that had come from Jonathan Halpern - the Auditorium 23 moving
coil step-up transformer designed for the Denon 103 cartridge. The
Auditorium 23 is an unassuming looking step-up tranny that is about the
size of a pack of cigarettes with RCA inputs on one side and RCA
outputs on the other. That's about it. Jonathan Halpern of Shindo USA
is so enamored of the design that he's begun importing it to the US so
others can get in on the fun. But I'm getting ahead of myself again.
Terry set up the Garrard 301 Project table in his system of Studio BEN
(Big E-Nuff) ES double-horn loudspeakers that use a full-range 8"
Fostex driver and a horn-loaded Fostex super tweeter. For
amplification, Terry had the full spread of Josh Stippich's wondrous
Electron Luv 45 amplifiers and preamplifier, which are easily the most
gorgeous amplification devices ever created by human hands. They should
be on display in the National Gallery of Art - really. I wish I could
afford the Electron Luv gear; I'd buy a pair in a second. For phono
amplification, Terry was using a big underground favorite known for its
giant-killing performance: The George Wright-designed and -built vacuum
tube phono preamplifier. When I got to Terry's place, his Teres
turntable was sitting idle and music was playing through one of Vincent
Sanders' computer hard-drive digital powerhouses to warm up the system.
Terry's system has it all: Beautiful tone, great dynamics and a very
musical yet detailed presentation. Then we dropped the needle on one of
the many LPs we would spin that day and heard pretty much what Pete and
I had heard with the burned-in Origin Live Silver in my system - good
but not great.
"Hey Terry," said I, "Whaddya say we drop in the
Aud 23 step-up tranny and see what happens?" "Sounds like an idea,"
said he. So we did and dropped the needle again. "Whoa!" said I.
"Whoa!" Terry tossed right back at moi. All of a sudden everything that
had troubled me about the Origin Live Silver arm vanished. In its place
was one of the most stunning portrayals of the analogue kingdom I have
ever heard - breathtaking! The vocal sheen and sibilance were gone and
in its place was real flesh-and-blood vocal magic. The arm now conveyed
music that was warmer, darker and fuller without losing any of the
detail and snappiness that made it so engaging in my system. The notes
became more liquid and fragrant too. Fed by the Auditorium 23 to
amplify the Denon 103, I couldn't find a nit to pick with the Origin
Live Silver arm. It was a beautifully emotive as well as a
great-sounding presentation of the music. If you have a Denon 103 and a
low-gain phono preamplifier, you should run out and get an Auditorium
23 tranny right now! Don't even think about it - just do it!
Jeff Day, 6moons.com http://www.sixmoons.com/audioreviews/originlive/silver_3.html
Teil seines Berichts über unsere Kabel und den MC-Trafo liess sich
Jeff Day nicht davon abhalten auch ein Porträt von Auditorium 23
zu zeichnen...
Keith Aschenbrenner of Auditorium 23
23 is a HiFi import-export, retail sales and research & development
business in Germany. It was established in 1980 and is owned and
operated by Keith Aschenbrenner. Keith is largely unknown in the USA
HiFi scene, except among those in the audio underground who are
knowledgeable about the early history of the SET movement in France and
Germany; or those hip to the glories of single-ended triode amplifiers,
Platine Verdier turntables or the magnificent & historic Siemens
Klangfilm loudspeakers (which have made a few select appearances at US
HiFi shows in the last couple of years). At home, Keith has achieved
the status of cultural audio icon over the years. His admirers refer to
him as the Tube Apostle of Germany for his trials, tribulations and
ultimate success in introducing fellow German HiFi and music lovers to
the glories of the combination of vinyl playback, singled-ended-triode
(SET) amplification and high- sensitivity loudspeakers, all built using
the best principles of classic designs. I get the impression that Keith
is a little uncomfortable with the domestic notoriety bestowed upon
him, preferring instead to modestly play it down by viewing himself
first and foremost as an audio everyman and music lover - just like you
and me.
Der vollständige Bericht findet sich unter http://www.sixmoons.com/audioreviews/auditorium23/23.html
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